Time Heals All Wounds?

“Time heals all wounds” is one of the most popular sayings out there. I wouldn’t say that this statement is always true though.

I’ve seen hurt. I’ve experienced hurt.

The wounds of life remain. However, time does allow “scar tissue” to grow over life’s wounds, and the pain does lessen with time. That I can testify. But it never completely goes away.

Time often just teaches us how to live with the pain. We move on. And it’s what we do in the time that passes, that helps with the healing.

So let us try to make the best of what we have with our time that passes. So that we can heal from our wounds of life we are still struggling with.

– Create your best life, by living each second of the time you have, and not just waiting for time to pass.

– Take the time to work on yourself. Improve yourself.

– Start the morning with a smile. Don’t let your thoughts rule your life. Be positive, and with saying that, a smile always makes the day better.

– Spend time with God. He is there for you. He listens.

“….and a time to heal” ~ Ecclesiates (KJV)


  1. Ruth Kirk says:

    By an extraordinary coincidence I wrote about this “not waiting” just a few days ago. Here is a link, in case you’re interested, but no pressure. I know how busy you must be, with so many demands on your time. Many thanks for your sensitive, intelligent blogs, which I value highly. Love from Ruth xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. life matters says:

      Oh wow, yes, definitely extraordinary coincidence. Thanks so much, will definitely take a look, and read it when I get a chance. That means a lot, thank you❤️❤️❤️I hope you have a wonderful day, full of life’s blessings XXXX

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ruth Kirk says:

        I wish exactly the same for you xxxxxx


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